D15: Evolution Is A Fact - DeBunked
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In this video we provide (at a confoundedly and feverishly fast pace) the mathematical probabilities of life emerging from non-life through undirected, mindless processes. Many believe matter-to-man evolution is a simple matter of fact - something that just happens over time through natural processes. They believe it to be without question. Well, we take a look at the odds and serve up the math for your viewing pleasure in this DeBunked video.

Want to know more about protein probabilities? Want to explore why many scientists are calling Darwin's theory a theory in crisis? Check out these two resources:

"Protein Probabilities" by Brian Miller / Guest Blog for Reasons for Hope
Brian is the Research Coordinator, Center for Science & Culture at the Discovery Institute.

An in-depth interview with Dr. Stephen Meyer on The Bub and Bob Show www.storybrothers.org/stephenm.
Stephen Meyer is Director, Center for Science & Culture at the Discovery Institute and a New York Times Best Selling author who wrote: Darwin's Doubt, Signature in the Cell, and The Return of the God Hypothesis.