D12: There Is No Evidence for the Resurrection - DeBunked
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event in human history. If Christ did not rise from the dead then all our faith is in vain and we are still dead in our sin. (1 Corinthians 15:14, 17). But HE DID RISE! He conquered death, fulfilled prophecy, proved He was God, and will put all enemies of God under his feet. (1 Corinthians 15:20; 15:55, 15:25) Those who place their trust in Jesus alone for their salvation and cry out to him in repentance will be be saved. (Matthew 4:17; Psalms 145:18; John 3:16) This is GOOD NEWS - this is the Gospel. Only because of the work Jesus did on the cross can our sins be forgiven. Only because He resurrected, can we have new and eternal life. Only because He loves us does He draw us near.
Yet there are some who deny that Jesus ever resurrected. They claim the event never happened and that there is no evidence for His resurrection. So, we made a video, DeBunked-style, to address this claim; because we know that lies enslave, but THE TRUTH sets you free. Enjoy!
Be sure to watch all the other DeBunked Videos HERE. Always faithful to Scripture. Always fresh and fun. Always free.
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